How I built this site

| 2 min read


This site is hosted on AWS using S3 to store the content and CloudFront to serve it over HTTPS. I registered the domain with Route 53.

Content management comes courtesy of eleventy and the visual presentation comes from eleventy duo by yinkakun.

Hosting with AWS

I used AWS SAM to set up the infrastructure for this website. AWS SAM is an abstraction layer that sits on top of CloudFormation and simplifies some common use cases (e.g. setting up a REST API powered by Lambda functions).

High-level info on what's required to provision a website using AWS is available at the AWS knowledge centre. A step-by-step walkthrough of all the pieces required to make this work are part of AWS's documentation. More details, including the CloudFormation templates you'll need to repeatably deploy this via the AWS SAM CLI are available on GitHub.

Default root object

We're building a static site, which means that for permalinks to work, we must serve the index.html file from a folder when a folder name is requested. For a traditional web server like Apache, we use mod_rewrite to rewrite URLs as follows: ->

With AWS and other serverless technologies, we don't have a web server to configure, so this approach won't work. But not to worry, CloudFront provides a way to run functions on the incoming HTTPS requests, meaning we can do our URL rewriting inside a CloudFront function.

This StackOverflow post covers the details of how to set this up.

Content Management with Eleventy

I like the Jamstack approach to building web sites, as it uses concepts and tools that are familiar to me, given my engineering background, such as:


  • Create content using markup (e.g. MarkDown) and compile it to its final form, rather than writing HTML directly or using a WYSIWYG editor.
  • Store content in a source-control system (e.g. GitHub) rather than in a content database (like WordPress).
  • Work offline and publish the entire site at once every time it needs to be updated, rather than creating a site that gets deployed once and then evolves over time as it is updated.

The end result is a web site that uses familar management tools, has fewer security concerns (no user logins or databases to hack) and performs better than a typical LAMP site (content is static and can be efficiently cached by a CDN).

Why eleventy?

Eleventy wasn't my first choice of tool for this site. I originally tried to set it up using Hugo, but I found it hard to adapt to my needs. Hugo's main selling point is its compile speed, which I'm sure is critical when working on large scale websites, but for my own needs I'm OK to wait a few seconds for my site to render when I update it.

The attraction of eleventy is its relative simplicity compared to Hugo - I found that modifying system behaviour with JavaScript had a much shallower on-ramp compared to learning advanced Hugo features such as shortcodes in Hugo.

Useful videos

This 20 minute intro tells you everything you need to know to get started with eleventy:

Once you have the key concepts from the video above, follow this one to give you just exactly what you need in 3 minutes, a bit like a reference manual in video form: