Karl Stanley

My interest in computers and coding led me to learn BASIC on a ZX Spectrum +2 back in 1989. I have been building software to solve business problems since the late 1990s.

I've built production systems for industries including electronics manufacture, social media, event ticketing, finance and education, using a wide array of technologies.

This site collects some thoughts about past, present and future technology from the perspective of a working technologist.

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    #code #aws #web

    Content Security Policy

    In the previous post I showed how to set up a static web site on AWS. After posting, I noticed that the YouTube videos I embedded in the page wouldn't work. In this post I talk about why this happened...

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  • | 2 min read
    #code #aws #eleventy #web

    How I built this site

    Summary This site is hosted on AWS using S3 to store the content and CloudFront to serve it over HTTPS. I registered the domain with Route 53. Content management comes courtesy of eleventy and the...

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